Would you rather get your deduction for construction costs today or over the next 39 years? This is an interest free loan from the U.S. government.
As a general rule, 20-30% of the costs of a new building should not be classified as long-lived real property.
Clients are able to realize larger depreciation deductions. This quicker recovery of the costs of constructing the building allows for significant tax savings up front.
ThreeFive produces these tax savings for clients using a seasoned, diverse team of professionals with over 50 years of experience creating reports that include engineering, accounting, legal and architectural costs. These reports examine the different structural components of a newly acquired or constructed building, identifying the optimal array of assets, placed-in-service date, methods and conventions for depreciation purposes. Results typically include identification of land improvements and embedded personal property that would not be otherwise known.
A comprehensive report with detailed schedules ready for immediate implementation into any fixed asset software program and/or presentation to the taxing authority as needed. Our compensation is based upon your savings.
Nestled in the heart of the Twin Cities on Lake Bde Maka Ska, ThreeFive has fostered a work environment to attract key talent that is second to none in addressing corporate tax benefit opportunities for its clients.
We'd love to hear from you!
ThreeFive Inc.
3033 Excelsior Blvd., Suite 570
Minneapolis, MN 55416
612.353.6372 office
612.382.3484 after hours